SLA Media Guide |
Leadership. Networking. Education.About Us Founded in 1909, the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners in business, government, academic, and other “specialized” settings. If you manage information and knowledge resources for organizations and their stakeholders—such as business executives, government agency staff, university faculty and students, association members, nonprofit funders, and law firm partners—SLA is your professional home! SLA promotes and strengthens its members through learning, networking, and community-building initiatives. Information about the benefits of SLA membership, including reduced registration fees to attend our annual conference. If you’re keen to develop your career and skills and help your organization succeed, don’t wait—join SLA now Member Snapshot
TESTIMONIAL - “SLA is the best organization to create learning and networking scenarios often unavailable at work. Sure, there are lots of fantastic leadership benefits to engagement in SLA – at whatever level, but it also provides a place where information professionals can put democratic ideals into action through a variety of unit driven and self-directed possibilities. Work is great. But you can’t do everything you want to do at work as a professional. SLA offers opportunities to pursue some of those other possibilities. I say, ‘get to it.'” - Jesse Lambertson SLA Communities Targeted, industry specific communities are the nucleus of the SLA Association. Each community caters to specific geographic areas, professional disciplines or shared interests. 23 Divisional Communities Bring together those who practice in a unique discipline of special librarianship (e.g., finance or law). SLA Communities Targeted, industry specific communities are the nucleus of the SLA Association. Each community caters to specific geographic areas, professional disciplines or shared interests. 5 Regional 1 International Communities Each elect officers, issue bulletins or meeting announcements, hold three to nine program meetings during a year, and initiate special projects and events. 11 Caucus Communities Informal groups within the association intended to serve as a focus for the interaction of members who share a common interest not covered by any association chapter, division, or committee at no additional fee to members. SLA Communities Business Finance Academic & Education Knowledge Management Leadership & Management Diversity Inclusion & Equity Information Technology Legal Science/Technology Taxonomy Government Information Biomedical & Life Sciences Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Archival & Preservation Washington, DC—Regional Solo Librarians Data Embedded Librarians Engineering New York—Regional New England—Regional Military Libraries Complete List of Communities Advertising OpportunitiesSLA Website Advertising • www.sla.orgDigital Sidebar - 300 x 250 px. Run of site. $750 - 3 months $1,200 - 6 months $2,000 - 12 months Digital Footer - 900 x 728 px. Run of site. $1000 - 3 months $1,800 - 6 months $2,800 - 12 months 10,000+ monthly page views 2,500+ monthly users 1:36 average minutes per session SLA This Week E-NewsletterAVERAGE OPEN RATE 44% AVERAGE CTR 7.2% Digital Banner 468 x 60 px. $1000 - 1 months, 4 x $1,800 - 3 months 12 x $2,800 - 6 months 24 x $5,000 - 12 months 48 x Sponsored Article $1,000 each 100 word teaser copy introducing the article with a link to your website. Maximum number sponsor spotlights per issue is 3. First come first serve. CAREER SPONSORSupport the SLA Career Center and Early Professionals! Banner Ad on Career Center Homepage (1) 1/2 Page Ad in Information Outlook Logo Branding on and all Career Programming Free registration to all career programming $1,500 annually Information OutlookDigital Magazine Advertising Information Outlook is the “official publication” of SLA. Each quarter, this interactive, online publication brings the latest trends, innovations, member spotlights, book reviews, events and more! Full Page Ad (8.5 x 11) $750 1/2 Page Ad • (5.5 11) $350 4 Issue Full Page Ad: $2,000 4 Issue Half Page Ad: $1,200 Include live links in your ad. On-Demand on website Secure a premium ad location and stand out! Page 3, Centerfold, Inside Back Cover. Back Cover $1000 Resource Guide Listing• $500 Basic listing in the Resource Guide. 5 Lines, and 50-word description. Link to website. Sponsored ArticleGet published in an issue of Information Outlook. 500 -1000 words with photos. Link to company website or landing page. One Article • $1,000 Four Articles $3,500 (one per issue) WebinarsAll SLA Member Webinar • $6,000Target the entire SLA Membership with a custom webinar. Benefits include: Branding on all communications Pre & Post list of registrants MP4 recording link, upon completion Single Community Webinar • $1,500Choose up to 1 Community to target for the webinar. Regional Community Webinar • $2,500Choose up to 5 Communities to target for the webinar. Benefits: We provide a turnkey webinar experience that includes consultation on the topic along with promotion and production support. You’ll get an expert, data-driven campaign targeting Chapter members to register for your webinar.
Add -On Sponsor to Provide (1) Speaker/Panelist for Webinar $500 Pre or Post Webinar Email Blast to Registrants $1,000 Single Community Email • $750 Email continues to be one of the most effective tactics for generating quality leads. Directly communicate your thought leadership and generate leads. Multi-Community Email • $1,500 Choose up to 5 MGMA Chapters to target for the email blast. Benefits include: HTML provided to MGMA Post email report provided All SLA Email • $3,000 Email the entire MGMA Chapter membership list. HTML provided to MGMA Post email report provided Benefits include: HTML provided to MGMA Post email report provided Social Media Post - $350 each Share your latest innovations and connect with our members through our social media channels. Link and share. Social Media 14,026 total followers 15,996 impressions |